Articles in edited books
Kermani, Hossein and Faust, Maria (2021). Living with Instalive in Iran: Social Media Use in Authoritarian Countries during the Pandemic. In Stefania Milan, Emiliano Treré and Silvia Masiero (Eds), COVID-19 from the Margins: Pandemic Invisibilities, Policies and Resistance in the Datafied Society. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, University of Amsterdam.
Eloranta, J., Kermani, H., & Rahimi, B. (2016). Facebook Iran: Social capital and the Iranian social media. In Faris, M., & Rahimi, B. (Eds), Social media in Iran: Politics and society after 2009 (pp. 19-39). New York: State University of New York Press.
Journal articles
Kermani, H., Makou, A. B., Tafreshi, A., Ghodsi, A. M., Atashzar, A., & Nojoumi, A. (2023). Computational vs. qualitative: Analyzing different approaches in identifying networked frames during the Covid-19 crisis. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1–15.
Kermani, H. (2023). #MahsaAmini: Iranian Twitter Activism in Times of Computational Propaganda. Social Movement Studies, 0(0), 1–11.
Kermani, H., & Rasouli, F. (2022). Protesting is Not Everything: Analyzing Twitter Use During Electoral Events in Non-democratic Context. Journal of Digital Social Research, 22–51.
Kermani, H., & Hooman, N. (2022). Hashtag feminism in a blocked context: The mechanisms of unfolding and disrupting #rape on Persian Twitter. New Media & Society, 146144482211288.
Kermani, H. (2022). Populist discourse and the resulting discontent in hybrid regimes: An examination of Rouhani’s rhetoric in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Political Research Exchange, 4(1), 2081585.
Kermani, H., & Tafreshi, A., (2022). Walking with Bourdieu into Twitter communities: an analysis of networked publics struggling on power in Iranian Twittersphere. Information, Communication & Society, DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2021.2021267
Kermani H and Adham M (2021) Mapping Persian Twitter: Networks and mechanism of political communication in Iranian 2017 presidential election. Big Data & Society 8(1). DOI: 10.1177/20539517211025568.
Koohikamali, Mehrdad; Kermani, Hossein; and Rabiei-Dastjerdi, Hamidreza (2021) Disclosure and Engagement on Social Media in Iranian Context. AMCIS 2021 Proceedings. 24.
Kermani, Hossein (2020) Political narrating in non-political crises: Narrativity practices on Persian Twitter during the 2017 Kermanshah earthquake, Asian Journal of Communication, DOI: 10.1080/01292986.2020.1817112.
Kermani, Hossein (2020) Decoding Telegram: Iranian Users and ‘Produsaging’ Discourses in Iran’s 2017 Presidential Election, Asiascape: Digital Asia, Advanced articles. DOI: 10.1163/22142312-12340119
Kermani, Hossein (2018) Telegramming News: How have Telegram channels transformed the journalism in Iran? Turkish Reviews of Communication Studies, (31), 168-187. DOI: 10.17829/turcom.423307.
Selected Presentations
Kermani, Hossein (2024) Computational identification of incivility: A comparison of three methods on Farsi tweets, the 2nd Budapest Data Workshop on Large Language Models and Generative AI, Budapest, Hungry. November 21-22, 2024.
Kermani, Hossein (2024) Hashtag activism and Discursive manipulation during the #MahsaAmini movement, 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE AUSTRIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION, 28-29 November, 2024.
Kermani, H. (2023). Manipulating #MahsaAmini: how the Iranian regime used computational propaganda to suppress a movement on Twitter, 3rd TSHD Digital Humanities Symposium, 15-16 June 2023, Netherlands, Tilburg University.
Kermani, H. (2023). Discursive activism by bots and humans during the pandemic on Twitter. Complexity Science Hub: Vienna, February 23, 2023 (invited talk).
Kermani, Hossein (2023) Still Twitter? An investigation of social media activism and its manipulations in authoritarian countries. Swiss political science association (SPSA) annual congress. 2-3 February 2023. Switzerland: Basel.
Kermani, Hossein; Bayat makou, Alireza; Karami, Behnam; Behzadian Nejad, Reza; and Ataee, Homa, Rasouli, Fatemeh, and Pakzad, Romina (2022) Social Media Agenda Setting on COVID-19: Evidence from Iran, WAPOR 75th and WAPOR Asia Pacific 5th Annual Conference, 10-15 November 2022, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Kermani, Hossein; Bayat makou, Alireza; Karami, Behnam; Behzadian Nejad, Reza; and Ataee, Homa (2022) SOCIAL MEDIA AGENDA SETTING IN AUTHORITARIAN COUNTRIES: THE CASE OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN IRAN, 2022 Association of Internet Researchers Conference, Ireland: Dublin. 2-5 November 2022.
Kermani, H. (2022) Not a challenge anymore: An investigation of non-democratic regimes’ tactics in turning Twitter into a non-threatening platform, Democracy & Digital Citizenship Conference, Roskilde University, Denmark, 29-30 September 2022.
Kermani, H. (2022) Authoritarian regimes and defusing Twitter threat: the case of transforming Iranian Twittersphere to a less challenging space, Eighth Conference of the International Journal of Press/Politics, Loughborough University: England, 21-23 September 2022.
Kermani, H. (2022) Mapping Iranian Twittersphere during the pandemic; an analysis of networks and frames of Covid-19 in authoritarian countries, 16th ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck: Austria. 22-26 August 2022.
Kermani, H. (2022) Coronavirus in hybrid contexts: a rhetorical analysis of Hassan Rouhani’s speeches during the pandemic, Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD), Bergamo, Italy. 8 July 2022.
Kermani, H. (2022) Protesting Is Not Everything; Analyzing Twitter Use During Electoral Events in Non-Democratic Contexts, ICA 2022 (Political communication division), France: Paris. 30 May 2022.
Kermani, H. (2022) An Integrated Approach to Frame Identification: Combining Automated and Qualitative Methods in an Inductive-Deductive Process, ICA 2022 (Computational methods division), France: Paris. 30 May 2022.Kermani, Hossein and Hooman, Niloofar (2021). How a connective action is disrupted in restrictive contexts? The case of dismantling #rape on Persian Twitter. Paper presented at AoIR 2021: The 22nd Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Virtual Event: AoIR. Retrieved from
Kermani, Hossein (2021) Using computational and qualitative methods to analyze Covid-19 frames on Iranian Twittersphere, 2021 Conference of the German Communication Association's Methods Division, (virtual event), September 30-October 1, 2021.
Kermani, Hossein; Khorshidi, Mona, and Ashtiani Araghi, Mohammad (2020) The president’s speech: An analysis of Covid-19 discourse in Iranian president’s speeches, 14th ECPR General Conference (virtual event), 24 – 28 August 2020.
Kermani, Hossein (2020) Social media narratives and democracy in Iran: An analysis of Iranian Twitter users’ narrativity practices during Iran’s 2017 presidential election, ESA-ECPR Midterm Social Movement Conference. Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, University of Tartu: Estonia. 7-9 October 2020.
Kermani, Hossein (2018) Habermas on Telegram; Can a micro public sphere be shaped in the age of social media? Presented at 3rc Asiascape: Digital Asia conference (DIAS), Netherlands: Leiden University. 29 May, 2018.